The Zircon Skyeband Origin Story — Part 1

Tony McMahon created this art. I believe he was inspired by the Time Warp Love Affair

It has been my lifelong aspiration to be a songwriter and music producer, to produce one of those songs the whole world would hear and work its way into our universal consciousness. In 1974 in Aberdeen Scotland, with a Revox A77, an Eko 12 string guitar and Arp Odyssey synthesizer, I wrote the Time Warp Love Affair – the story of a caveman transported to today’s time for the purpose of a love affair with a woman from a future female dominated society (she needs some caveman reproductive material to keep things going).  

In late 70’s I returned to Oklahoma and met Fred Rucker and Danny Hackney an acoustic duo – (think Graham Nash / David Crosby). They began playing my tunes around Oklahoma City and Norman OK. In this period I acquired a Teac 80-8 tape machine. Talented musicians guitarists Mark Galloway and Danny Fournier and bassist James Coffey began collaborating on recording sessions.  In September of 1980 Rucker, Hackney, Galloway, Coffey and tasty drummer Jeff Wilder performed at VZD’s in Oklahoma City. I did a reel to reel, 8  track recording of the gig. I have spent more than 40 years since that night trying to make a better recording of Time Warp Love Affair and Little Match Girl.


The Zircon Skyeband Origin Story — Part 2


She Rides on the Starshine is coming soon!